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Ann R.
"If my nephew had not received the scholarship nor been accepted to the program, I still would not understand that addiction IS a disease or what happens in an addict’s brain. The support and education provided by the recovery team to me and the other family members were critical in helping us cope with the difficult situation.
While my nephew still needs to want to do the work to get better, the treatment he received as a result of Another Solution’s generosity gave him the foundation he needed. And being part of the outpatient center’s family has been life-changing for me - so much so, that I want to play an active role in helping other families the way that I’ve been helped.
It’s a miracle in progress..."
Patty B.
"Hopefully, we will all find a new freedom out of this blessed opportunity, through Another Solution! My son is now in rehab as a consequence of Another Solution's resources and expertise! We are in the beginning stages. NONE of this could or would have happened without Another Solution! I, we, are truly indebted to to this miraculous intervention and provision by the benevolence of caring people at Another Solution. We are eternally grateful. I HIGHLY recommend them to whomever needs direction from the dark, frightening place of addiction, of any kind, that may have or may be disrupting your life or home..."